Group photo of the Count Me In team in branded t-shirts

Clinicians and service users unite to champion Count Me In

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and the Mental Health Research for Innovation Centre (M-RIC) recently hosted a Count Me In event at Liverpool Science Park. The event aimed to gather support for the innovative system which will help Mersey Care expand research and innovation to improve future care and treatments.

Dr Oladayo Bifarin, Research Effectiveness Lead at Mersey Care, led the event, introducing Count Me In as a step forward in widening research participation. Count Me In, which aims to go live next month, means Mersey Care patients and service users may be contacted about potential research opportunities that are relevant to them, unless they choose to opt out.

Dr Bifarin highlighted how Count Me In differs from traditional research processes and explained that it is beneficial for both staff and service users. He said:

“Count Me In reduces the burden on healthcare professionals by directly connecting researchers with potential participants through a secure process. This new way of working means service users will have more opportunities to get involved in research opportunities that are relevant to them, so by being counted in they can make a real difference in improving NHS treatments. However, there is no pressure to take part and they can opt out of joining a study or receiving information if they wish and it will not affect their care in any way.

“Through this event, we aim to recruit Count Me In champions to help promote the system and its benefits across NHS teams, networks, and through our local communities.”

The event also featured a presentation by Mersey Care Chief Medical Officer Dr Noir Thomas who discussed how Count Me In is integral to the trust achieving one of its Super Six strategic intentions – leading world class research and innovation in mental health and wellbeing. Following this, Dennis Dewar, Engagement Manager at Mersey Care, joined M-RIC Lead Service User and Carer Representative Don Bryant and Public Engagement Research Co-ordinator Gail Faragher to discuss Count Me In’s partnerships with community groups and third-sector organisations. They also highlighted the critical role of service users and carers in shaping Count Me In communication materials.

Dennis Dewar said:

“We have talked to over 300 people throughout the Count Me In engagement process to ensure that the voice of service users, carers and the wider community has been heard. This has given us the chance to understand and answer their concerns and use their feedback to shape the brand, tone and content of our communications campaign.”

The event concluded with breakout workshops, providing attendees with the opportunity to ask questions, share ideas, and explore how they could support Count Me In. All feedback will be considered in the further development of the Count Me In campaign.

Find out more about Count Me In at


Listen to our Count Me In radio campaign

In November 2024, we ran a two week advertising campaign about Count Me In across Hits Liverpool and Greatest Hits Liverpool.