Our research

M-RIC’s programme of work focuses on developing better treatments and tackling inequalities in mental healthcare.
Our research aims to:
- improve mental healthcare through new discovery science, clinical trials, service improvements and new technologies
- using data and health technology to improve access, treatment and monitoring for mental healthcare
- improving treatment for people with mood disorders
- use new apps, technology, and parent support services to help identify early mental health problems in children and young people
- find new uses for existing medicines that might provide new ways to treat psychosis
- use data and insights from across the NHS, social care, education, workplaces and more to better understand and treat mental health conditions.
More detail about our six key research areas which we call work packages can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
Our work packages

M-RIC access to data
This involves combining data and analytics to support discovery science, clinical trials, and improvements in mental health services.
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Mental health avatar
An interactive digital twin of a person that brings health records to life and captures new data about lifestyle, sleep patterns and other information to help people to self-care and to interact with care services.
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Mood disorder care innovations
We will offer new clinics and trial novel therapies for mood disorders. This includes new medicines, talking therapies and neuromodulation technologies to treat depression including for people where existing treatments have not helped.
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Child and adolescent digital mental health
A series of new mental wellbeing apps, smart games and parenting support services that lower the barrier to identifying mental health problems early.
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Neuroimmune therapeutics for psychosis
Research into new uses for existing medicines that might provide new ways to treat psychosis, particularly where those medicines can support the immune system in ways that reduce brain inflammation.
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Population mental health
We will work with service users and partners across the health and care system to gain their valuable insight and combine this with vital data and information to understand how we can make improvements in mental healthcare.
Tell me moreDeveloping better treatments and tackling inequalities in mental healthcare